[ You can download following files from SINGLIX web site, directly. ]  Do not use direct links to the files on this page. Use "http://www.singlix.com/trdos/specs.html" as a link...
DOS File Name File Size  Long File Name			Description
WIN95_~1 ASM     32.547  win95_boot_sector.asm		Boot Sector Code Sample
ENABLE~1 ASM      4.408  enableA20.asm			IO Programming Sample
IDEHDC   ASM     23.440  idehdc.asm			HD IO Programming Sample 
HDPORTS  ASM      6.261  HDPORTS.ASM                    HD IO Programming Sample  
SIMPL_PM ASM      3.851  SIMPL_PM.asm                   Protected Mode Sample
SB_DSP   ASM      4.854  SB_DSP.ASM			Sound Card programming
SBDETECT ASM      9.896  SBDETECT.ASM			Sound card Programming        
VOODOO   ASM      3.512  voodoo.asm			Unreal Mode Programming
IE8086   C	 51.517  ie8086.c			CD-ROM Driver Source Code
BOOTAB~1 DOC    117.760  BootableCDFormat.doc		Bootable CD Word Document 
ISO966~1 HTM     22.288  iso9660.html			ISO9660 CD-ROM FS Document 
ATA-AT~1 HTM     38.484  ATA-ATAPI_HIW.html		ATA-ATAPI Explanations
JOLIET~1 HTM     29.198  Joliet.html			Joliet Format (CD-ROM FS)
IDE_RE~1 HTM     54.297  IDE_Reference_FAQ.html		IDE Reference Document
LINUX2~1 HTM     10.994  Linux 2_0 Boot Sector.html	Linux Boot Sector Code
CP_PAR~1 PDF     78.329  CP_Parallel.pdf		Parallel Port Programming
CP_SER~1 PDF    143.030  CP_Serial.pdf			Serial Port Programming
D1510R0A PDF    289.842  d1510r0a.pdf			ATA Host Adapter Standards
FATFOR~1 PDF    109.659  FatFormat.pdf			Microsoft FAT File System
INFO_S~1 PDF     81.155  Info_Spec_Bootable_CD-ROM.pdf	Bootable CD SFF Document
3DNOW    PDF    563.265  3dnow.pdf			AMD 3D-NOW Programming
INTROD~1 PDF    200.211  IntroductionToISO9660.pdf	ISO9660 FS Document
BIOSBO~1 PDF    183.180  BIOSBootSpecsV1.01.pdf		BIOS Boot Specification
PBIOS_~1 PDF    424.320  pbios_userman.pdf		Phoenix BIOS User Manual
INTELC~1 PDF    145.670  IntelCodeTable.pdf		80x86 Instructions Table
V1VLLA89 PDF    168.521  v1vlla89.pdf			MS FAT32 FS Specification
LONGFI~1 PDF     86.091  LongFileName.pdf		MS Long FileName Spec
PCASM-~1 PDF    570.623  pcasm-book.pdf			PC Assembly Book
OMF11~1  PDF    161.416  OMF1.1.pdf			Object Module Format
PE       PDF     49.441  PE.pdf				Portable Exe Formats	
MSCDEX21 TXT    132.784  MSCDEX21.txt			MSCDEX 2.1 Document
AWE32P10 TXT     50.840  AWE32P10.TXT			SB AWE32 Programming
PENTIUM  TXT     37.905  pentium.txt			Pentium CPU Instructions
PMODE-OS TXT     76.099  PMODE-OS.txt			Protected Mode Development 
MBR 	 TXT     12.769  MBR.txt			Masterboot Document 
BIOS-ASM ZIP     37.262  bios-asm.zip			IBM PC/XT BIOS Source Code
PCATBIOS ZIP    147.725  pcatbios.zip			IBM PC/AT BIOS Source Code
ATA3-R6  ZIP    284.044  ATA3-R6.ZIP			ATA-3 Revision 6 Document
PM-9-94  ZIP     87.168  PM-9-94.ZIP			Protected Mode Programming
OS-FAQ   ZIP     56.497  os-faq.zip			OS Development FAQs
OBJ_FORM ZIP     58.048  OBJ_FORM.ZIP			MS OBJ Format Documents	
386P_101 ZIP    117.845  386P_101.ZIP			386 Extender Source
386P_200 ZIP    313.803  386P_200.ZIP			386 Extender Source
MYBOOT~1 ZIP     23.775  MyBootSector.zip		Boot Sector Programming
NASM098T ZIP    104.244  nasm098t.zip			Netwide Assembler Document
NASM098P ZIP    105.804  nasm098p.zip                   NASM Program v0.98 32 bit
NASM098R ZIP     77.587  nasm098r.zip			NASM Program v0.98 16 bit
NASM098S ZIP    546.166  nasm098s.zip			NASM Program Source Code
NASM098D ZIP    443.455  nasm098d.zip			NASM Documents (html)
MASMFLIP ZIP     14.834  masmflip.zip			MASM32 Programming Sample
PMTUTS   ZIP    207.788  pmtuts.zip			Protected Mode Tutorials
ATADRVR  ZIP     84.916  atadrvr.zip			ATA IO Driver Source Code
READCDA  ZIP     19.524  READCDA.zip			Audio CD Reader Source
WIN32HST ZIP    149.789  win32hst.zip			WIN32 Assembly Programming
DASM     ZIP    426.065  dasm.zip			Disassemblers (DOS)
LOS4D    ZIP    111.802  los4d.zip			Low Level DOS Programming
386INTEL ZIP    178.580  386INTEL.zip			80386 Programming Document
SOUNDX   ZIP     33.084  SOUNDX.ZIP			Sound Blaster Programming
PNPISA   ZIP    130.840  pnpisa.pdf			PNP ISA Specification v1.0a
AGP30_~1 PDF    789.523  agp30_final_10.pdf		AGP Interface Specification
PCI22    PDF  3.835.430  PCI22.pdf			PCI Local Bus Specification
78XWW-CA PDF    207.164  78xww-ca.pdf (Device Mapping)	Pentium Modules (PCI Config)
PCI_CO~1 TXT      1.538  pci_config_space.txt (Pascal)	PCI Configuration Sample
ATAPI-~1 PDF    532.117  ATAPI-SFF8020i.pdf             ATAPI Specification Rev 2.6
ATAPI-~2 PDF    790.350  atapi-cdd3610.pdf (CD-Writer)  Philips CD-R/W Specification
ECMA-119 PDF    327.807  Ecma-119.pdf ! ISO9660 book !  ECMA-119 (ISO9660) Standard
CHIPSETS PDF    557.628  chipsets.pdf 			Motherboad Chipsets
BUS21B~1 PDF     66.901  bus21bridge.pdf 		PCI to Local Bridge Study
ESCD     PDF    101.994  escd.pdf 			ESCD Specification v1.02A
ART OF ASSEMBLY book :   http://webster.cs.ucr.edu/index.html (by Randall Hyde)
MASM32 Windows (GUI) Assembler: http://www.movsd.com/ (hutch's home page)

http://www.usb.org/developers/data/usb_20.zip (6.5 MB)  USB Rev2.0 Specification



OLD PC Assembly INTRO (1K to 4K) & DEMO Competetion samples & TASM, TP, C, MASM 
SOURCE CODES & COMPILERS download: ASM_INTRO.HTML (MASM derivations of TASM samples)

Kicking Out SpyWare from Windows XP computer without using AntiSpyWare programs.
(Operation System -DOS command- level manual cleaning suggestions)

© Erdogan Tan - will provide FREE Support to all OS developers via SINGLIX web site -

Original WINDOWS 98 FAT 16 BOOT SECTOR -MASM- SOURCE CODE by Erdogan Tan: Win98FAT16boot.asm

Original MSDOS 6.22 FAT 12 BOOT SECTOR -MASM- SOURCE CODE by Erdogan Tan: MsDosFAT12boot.asm

Original WINDOWS 98 FAT 32 BOOT SECTOR -MASM- SOURCE CODE by Erdogan Tan: Win98FAT32boot.asm (not completed yet)

MS FAT/FAT32 File Systems Long Directory Entries (LONG FILE/DIRECTORY NAME) FAT32 Specification

Microsoft Macro Assembler Version 6.11 <full> : masm611.zip (3.95 MB)

TR-DOS v1.0 FAT12 Boot Sector -MASM- Source Code: TrDosFAT12boot.asm Boot Sector Rebuilder: trfdboot.asm
(Loads kernel TRDOS.COM at 1000h:0100h and starts TRDOS. TRDOS.COM is a standalone MS-DOS program. Uses ROMBIOS interrupts, only.)

(! TRDOS boot sector does not load 4 sectors only! It loads all of TRDOS.COM up to 64 KB, by using the clusters! Revolution in 512 bytes !)
(For example: you can run any dos com program which uses only rombios interrupts, just by renaming it: TRDOS.COM at root directory)


TR-DOS (MS-DOS) 1.44 MB Floppy Disk FAT12 FS Formatting Utility: FDFORMAT.ASM FDFORMAT.COM 32K
(Builds TR-DOS Boot Sector, initial FAT, empty root directory and "F6h" padded data sectors. Marks BAD SECTORS if there are.
Displays formatting status continuously as formatted/writing sector numbers. And, gives a prompt for 11 byte Volume Name input.
After fdformat, If TRDOS.COM is copied into the root directory, that floppy will be "BOOTABLE/SYSTEM DISK";
with message of "Loading Operation System TRDOS ..."; otherwise, without any "not found" error messages,
standard "Replace the disk and press any key to reboot." message will be displayed.
TR-DOS boot sector will hide itself when TRDOS.COM is not in the root directory.)
More compact version: (by separating format code and boot sector code to two files and adding boot sector image to format utility image)
Format Utility Code: FDFORM1.ASM ("MASM FDFORM1") Boot Sector Code: TRDOSB1.ASM "(MASM TRDOSB1" then "LINK /T TRDOSB1")
UTILITY: BINOBJ.EXE which converts binary TRDOSB1.COM file to TRDOSB1.OBJ file ("BINOBJ TRDOSB1.COM TRDOSB1 BootSector")
Then, "LINK /T FDFORM1 TRDOSB1" -> FORMATFD.COM (Note: "extern BootSector:proc" declaration in FDFORM1.ASM)
I renamed this file as FORMATFD.COM 7K (same UTILITY with 32K FDFORMAT.COM, but assembly source code a bit different)

ATAPI CD-ROM & ISO 9660 FS Programming Samples (in MASM) : ataid.html atapinq.html readpvdl.html

8 bit CheckSum (CRC) Calculation Sample: CHKSUM.ASM CHKSUM.COM (8086 assembly)

MASM 6.11 -> "masm.bat" or "new-vars.bat"

< masm chksum, link /t chksum > or < ml /Zm /AT CHKSUM.ASM >

proc_calculate_checksum -> INPUT: DS:SI = DOS Short DirEntry location, OUTPUT: AL = CheckSum value

(TRDOS project -> TRDOS kernel "calculate DOS short file name checksum" feature for long name procedures)

TR-DOS Operation System KERNEL Features -> DRV INIT & Disk Info -> DISKINFO.ASM [ DISKINFO.COM ]

DISKINFO.COM : (Standalone MS-DOS program, uses ROMBIOS interrupts only, except INT 20h)

(Uses TR-DOS kernel's DRV_INIT process, does not use any data or functions from MS-DOS kernel)

After MASM.BAT : < masm diskinfo, link /t diskinfo > or < ml /Zm /AT DISKINFO.ASM >

Recent Kernel File: TRDOS.ASM (not completed; i am working on it. TRDOS.COM runs as MS-DOS program)

"cd", "dir", "<drive>:", "ver", "exit", "prompt <name>", "vol","longname", "date", "time", "show", "del", "rmdir",
"rename", "set", "mkdir", "run" commands are running.


TRDOS.COM and Assembly Files for Kernel : TRDOS.ZIP

(Note: "run"command is temporary, instead of executable file as external command.)
(This logic is running but may be a STACK problem. TR-DOS kernel does not manage STACKs, except Kernel SS.)
(TR-DOS kernel uses MS-DOS Program Segment Prefix structure at minimal compatibility level. PSP parameters
will be a bit different than MS-DOS. But most of MS-DOS programs will be able to use TR-DOS PSPs like MS-DOS.)
(TR-DOS will use "FDT" and "PSP" total 512 byte structure. SINGLIX/MULTIX will use "FDT" and compatible "PSP")
"<drive>:","cd","dir","vol", "longname", "run", "show", "del", "rmdir" commands handle FAT12, FAT16, FAT32 FS and
LBA or CHS disks.

TR-DOS Program Segment Prefix Structure: psp1.html

Entrance: index.html [ Last Update: 13/03/2005 ]